Where to buy Cafés for snacks and light lunches in Pitlochry in Pitlochry


McKays Fish n Chips Pitlochry

McKays Fish n Chips

McKays Fish n Chips

Gift Logo indicating that this business has a special offer for Fonab guests
shopping in Pitlochry

BP Pitlochry

Petrol / Fuel Service Station

Cafe Calluna Pitlochry

Cafe Calluna

Cafe Calluna

Dog friendly paw logo indicating that this business welcomes dogs
The Bakery Pitlochry Pitlochry

The Bakery Pitlochry

A traditional Artisan Bakery

Mac & Pinch Cafe Pitlochry

Mac & Pinch Cafe

Mac & Pinch Cafe

Dog friendly paw logo indicating that this business welcomes dogs
Garden Café Pitlochry

Garden Café

Garden Café

Coffee Break Pitlochry

Coffee Break

Coffee Break

Café Biba Pitlochry

Café Biba

Café Biba

Gift Logo indicating that this business has a special offer for Fonab guests
Escape Route Pitlochry

Escape Route

Bicycle and equipment store

Dog friendly paw logo indicating that this business welcomes dogs
Gift Logo indicating that this business has a special offer for Fonab guests
Hetties Pitlochry


Hetties Tea Room

Dog friendly paw logo indicating that this business welcomes dogs